Cupping Session: $60 per Treatment
Special offer: Add $10 with any 1 hour & up massage session
Have a Stubborn Injury? Cupping Therapy May Help
Sat, 08/28/2010 - 18:55 — dreamclinic
By Esther Utley, LMP
What is Cupping Therapy?
As the name suggests, Cupping Therapy uses a combination of negative pressure and massage movements with the use of a suction device. Cupping therapy is a Negative Pressure technique that is used to achieve a wide range of responses, ranging from extreme relaxation to therapeutic.
A cup is positioned at the area to be treated and, depending on the type of cups being used, a vacuum is created within the cup to draw the underlying tissue into the cup. The suction level can range from light to heavy, and the movements performed by the therapist can be either stimulating or sedating, depending on the needs of the client. The produced vacuum creates a suction effect that increases blood circulation to the local area, relaxes muscle tissue and releases a myriad pain causing factors.
Cupping Therapy softens tight muscles, tones attachments, loosens adhesions and lifts connective tissue by creating suction and negative pressure. This same suction also brings hydration and blood flow to body tissues, and drains excess fluids and toxins by opening lymphatic pathways (a vital part of the immune system). Cupping therapy is very versatile and can be modified to achieve a variety of techniques ranging from subtle lymphatic drainage to deep tissue release.
Various people have employed the use of negative pressure throughout history. Cupping traces back further than 5,000 BC and its true origin remains obscure. Cupping was originally used to dredge toxic blood from the body and to pull venom from bites. The observation that cupping can move fluids in the body has enhanced modern healthcare tremendously. Cupping Therapy Massage has finally become accepted in the U.S. so you can add cupping to any acupuncture, deep tissue, swedish or hot stone treatment to enhance and accelerate treatment.
Cupping Therapy and the stars:
Why Does Cupping Leave Marks?
A common misinterpretation of cupping concerns the discoloration that can occur during treatment. Often when pathologic factors and stagnant fluids (toxins, blood and lymph) are dredged up during treatment, discoloration will appear on the skin. This is the therapeutically desired effect – the more this is visible, the greater the level of stagnation and toxicity that has been removed. “Bruising” is caused by impact trauma with breakage of capillaries and reactionary rush of fluids to the damaged area from the tissue compression/injury, and there is no compression in properly employed suction cup therapy, so bruising should not occur. Although it is quite common during stationary Cupping (left static for 5 - 20 minutes) to achieve dramatic marks or discolorations, less aggressive action while moving the cups can minimize the intensity and duration of these marks, and any discoloration should fade over a few days.
As treatments accumulate and the cause of stagnation and buildup has been drained (usually by the 3rd or 4th treatment) no discoloration is likely to occur at all, even though each time the cupping may have been focused on the same area for the same duration and with the same amount of negative pressure. This is the result of having internal unwanted toxins systematically purged. This is helpful in taking pressure off of joints and organs in the body by pulling this fluid and "creating space" for the tissue.
Cupping Marks & Post Treatment Care
When circulation is sluggish or compromised in an injured or diseased area of the body, the cells receive insufficient oxygen, and there can be a local build up of waste products. The deposits dissipate from a few hours up to several weeks, depending on the amount of stagnation and the patient’s post treatment activities.
Usually, the practitioner will see the greatest amount of deposits being drawn to the surface in the first few treatments - this is a good thing. The deposits will lessen in intensity as the deeper issues are resolved and the stagnations and toxins have been dredged up and flushed out via the body’s own circulatory systems and expulsion from the pores. Sweating is a great after treatment follow up to help get rid of the garbage you've released. Although the marks look painful, they are not. Patients usually feel an immediate sense of relief.
For four to six hours following a treatment you should avoid any strenuous activity, cold weather and unpleasantly hot environments. Cupping opens the pores and because of this the absorption of liniments, analgesics, plant hydrosols or essential oils will be aided. Drinking more water than is typically necessary following treatment is helpful for oxygenating cleansed tissues.
If you think that Cupping Therapy would be beneficial for you, please ask about it next time you are booking your appointment.
Cupping bodywork therapy is an exciting modern adaptation of the ancient art of cupping therapy. Cupping is a subtle, yet powerful addition to any healthcare practice and complements many healing modalities. This technique is also easily used at home for treating many common conditions.
Through several thousand years of clinical experience, the therapeutic applications of cupping have been documented. By creating suction and negative pressure, cupping is used to: drain excess fluids and toxins, loosen adhesions and lift connective tissue, bring blood flow to stagnant skin and muscles and stimulate the peripheral nervous system.
Varied techniques using stationary and moving cups greatly enhance many body treatments and massage modalities. This method has been adapted and duplicated by modern lymphatic drainage machines. Cupping intensifies the therapeutic aspects of current treatments and is a subtle, yet very powerful, addition to any spa or private practice. The cups are inexpensive, the therapy is fun and result-oriented, and the treatments create the perfect add-on to a service.
Benefits of Cupping
1. Improvement of circulatory function
2. Regulating & betterment of automatic nervous system
3. Removal of pain
4. Relaxation of stiff muscles & tendons
5. Facilitates the flow of the lymph
6. Improves the flow of Blood within the joints
7. Improves the secretion of the Digestive fluids
8. The most dramatic effect is upon the skin & the body fluid flow in the arteries & veins increases, Thus resulting into detoxification.
9. It helps open up the chest & benefits the lungs.therefore useful in respiratory problems.
History of Cupping
Cupping developed over time from the original use of hollowed animal horns to drain toxins out of snakebites and skin lesions. Horns evolved into bamboo cups, which were eventually replaced by glass. Therapeutic applications evolved with the refinement of the cup itself, and with the cultures that employed cupping as a health care technique. The true origin of cupping therapy remains in obscurity.
The Chinese expanded the utilization to include use in surgery to divert blood flow from the surgery site. Cupping eventually developed into a separate therapy, with healers treating a variety of conditions. Early written records date from 28 AD, and a traditional Chinese saying indicates "acupuncture and cupping, more than half the ills cured". Chinese medicine observes that cupping dispels stagnation of Blood and Chi, along with external pathogenic factors that invade a weakened constitution. A depleted constitution is often a result of depleted "Jing Chi", or original essence. This will usually progress to a weakened "Wei Chi", or defense (immune system).
The Egyptians produced a text on ancient medicine that discussed the use of cupping for conditions such as fever, pain, vertigo, menstruation imbalances, weakened appetite and accelerating the "healing crisis" of disease. From the Egyptians, cupping was introduced to the Greeks and eventually spread to ancient cultures in many countries of Europe and even the Americas. In recent history, European and American doctors widely used cupping in practice into the late 1800's. Research papers were written in the 19th century, and a collaborative effort between the former Soviet Union and China confirmed the clinical efficacy of cupping therapy. It became an official therapy to be found in all Chinese hospitals. Breast cupping became common for inflamed breasts and lactation dysfunctions. The familiar breast pump emerged from this. The 20th century brought about a decline in interest as technology and machines came into use. New cupping sets were introduced using pumps to create the vacuum, and these sets were carried by medical supply companies well into the 1940's.
What to Do After Massage Cupping
The most common misunderstanding regarding after effects of cupping, is the marks that sometimes result. When injuries occur deep in the muscle, bleeding often occurs causing what looks like deep bruises.
The vacuum formed by Cupping draws up the old non-circulating stagnant blood and sticky fluids from the area, bringing them up to the surface and away from the injury so that healthy free circulation can be restored to the affected area, thus making space for oxygen, living cells and nutrients for faster recovery. Where there is dead, static blood, lymph, cellular debris, pathogenic factors, and toxins present in the body, Cupping can leave marks which indicates that the stagnation or disease has been moved from the deeper tissue layers to the surface, where it can be flushed out easier.
After your massage cupping treatment, it is not uncommon to experience sore skin and what looks like bruising. This is both an expected and wanted effect of the session. The color and pattern of the marks depend on the level of stagnation in the area. If marks do appear, they can range from a bright red to dark purple, usually lasting 3 days to a week - sometimes longer if the person is very sick or sedentary.
While the marks look painful, they aren't. If there is no stagnation present, there will be only a light pink mark which disappears in a few minutes to a couple of hours. Sites where there is old trauma or injury may require multiple cupping treatments to remove all stagnation. You will find in follow up treatments that the marks will be visibly lighter as the pathogens are systemically removed from the body.
Remember to drink plenty of water following your treatment to help flush the toxins lifted from the muscles.
Avoid the following for 24 hours after your session:
- Excessive or heavy exercise
- Hot Tub
- Sauna
- Steam Room
- Hot Bath/Shower
- Sunbathing
- Heavy Meals
Certified Practitioner Testimonials
"I purchased a set of magnet cups at the national convention … A young client has a scar (approximately as deep as my little finger and about 2/3rd's as long) that has been a problem for him due to multiple shoulder surgeries for a college football injury. I have been making slow progress on the scar, but when I used the magnets it softened much more rapidly, the dark color faded, and he was impressed. As I continued his massage he asked if he could "play" with the big magnet on the scar. He placed the magnet cup back on the scar. I was working on his foot - the scar tissue in the shoulder was popping as it was breaking up - he excitedly asked "can you hear that?" I said "I can, it's amazing". We still have much work to do to get all the scar out, but magnet cupping will cut the time dramatically."
- D. Brunson (Tennessee)
"I took your classes in Co. this fall. I can't tell you how much I have used the cupping. My clients love it and the results are amazing … also do you know when you might do a workshop on the magnetic cupping? … once again I so enjoyed the workshop. You’re an excellent teacher..."
- Cindy Eberle (Texas)
"I just love you!! I am absolutely in support of your professional efforts … How profound is it to adapt an ancient modality to fit into the scope of massage practice? … Loved the workshop. Keep in touch."
- Jackie Wayda, LMT (Ohio)
"Just wanted to let you know that I have been doing a protocol with the facelift cupping and Kandesn products and getting phenominal results with clients. Every one of them has purchased the Kandesn home care products. We are getting comments like:"
”My skin hasn't felt this good since I was 30 (she's over 60) and I don't think it even really felt this good then either.”
”I have never gotten a complement on my skin before and I got 2 last week from my friends.“
”My skin feels as smooth as a baby's bottom. I can't stop touching it! It feels so smooth.”
"Thank you so much for the technique. It is exactly what I needed to take this to the next level. Many thanks again...."
- Debra Clydesdale (California)
Client Testimonials |
" For the past twenty years I have been getting massages regularly for general health and mental well being and have found the effects relaxing. Recently I experienced cupping, integrated with the total body massage and left the session not only totally and completely relaxed but highly energized as well. Mentally I was more alert, focused and positive and physically I was so energized that I wanted to start the gardening, cooking, knitting and other projects that I had been procrastinating over. The revitalized feeling lasted for days after the massage......making me feel more energetic and physically stronger. It was like a mental and physical tune up......just absolutely wonderful!"
"Thanks again, Anita......and remember I would be happy to be a willing subject to for class demonstration etc.....just call or email me."
"Thanks again, Anita......and remember I would be happy to be a willing subject to for class demonstration etc.....just call or email me."
- Carolyn Termini (Asheville, NC)
"After a number of sessions of massage with cupping, I have experienced cumulative and lasting benefits. I have been struggling to overcome the effects of dental mercury amalgam poisoning for a number of years. After amalgam was removed, I have mercifully been able to come back from immunological and structural devastation. However, I have been left with an uncomfortable torquing of the spine accompanied by chronic muscle spasms in the shoulders and neck. These seemed exhaustingly permanent and have never been relieved by traditional methods of massage. Cupping, however, has produced marked improvements in posture and muscle position that are nothing short of exhilarating. To my delight, I have also experienced a deep sense of strengthening in immune function as well."
- J.H. (Asheville, NC)
"I had pain in my upper arms for over 20 years. It was in a specific spot where the mid deltoid meets the lateral side of the bicep. I received physical therapy, muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory medication...nothing helped. At night my arm would go numb and I would have to lift it up with my other hand. A few months ago, Anita began incorporating cupping of that area with monthly massage. Within 3 months, the pain was completely gone. I have more ROM than I have had in years in that area. It took 3 cupping sessions to eliminate a problem I had for more than 20 years."
- G.G. (Asheville, NC)
Healing Touch Body Work
Cupping Session: $50 per Treatment
Special offer : Add $10 with any 1 hour & up massage session
- Open Daily: Mon to Sat: 9:30 am-6:30 pm / Sunday: Close
- Address: 838 Greenville Ave. Staunton.Va. 24401
- Please call or text: (540)290-3383 to schedule an appointment.
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Healing Touch Body Work
Daily Open
Mon to Sat : 9am - 6:30pm
Sunday : Close
Text/ Call (540)290-3383
838 Greenville Ave. Staunton.Va. 24401
- Website: